Western Shelter

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Team Profile: Jorge Ortiz

Quick Facts

Position: Sales Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean

Based out of: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Time with Western Shelter: Five years

Jorge Ortiz has been with Western Shelter for five years, and currently serves as our Sales Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean. He is based out of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and was personally impacted by Hurricane Maria. We greatly admire his work ethic and the commitment to his community that he displayed in the wake of the storm as he continued to serve his customers without reliable electricity or communications. It was only natural that we would feature him in our first team member profile.                

What brought you to Western Shelter?

I was a customer first. While working at the Department of Health in Puerto Rico, we acquired Western Shelter equipment for our Hospitals. Years later I was offered a position to develop the Caribbean which eventually extended to Latin America.

What is your favorite part of working for Western Shelter?

The experience of being able to start a conversation with a client, find their needs and provide the solutions, and finally form part of their teams during their deployments.

What motivates you?

It’s a new experience every day, it’s something new with every client, and it changes constantly- all while making a “family” bigger throughout the many customers.

In what ways has the industry changed since you began with Western Shelter?

The market and the industry has changed in the past years. Customers are now looking for complete solutions and not only “one item”.

Finish this sentence. On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me….

…having a coffee on the terrace, if it’s a rainy day, or at the golf course.

What would be your personal motto?

I’ll always be there.

Name three things on your bucket list that you haven’t accomplished, and one that you have.

Own a boat, go on an African safari, and own a motorcycle.

Travel the world; I have half of the world, but that’s WSS’s fault (lol)

What is the last book you read?

The return of the Knight in Rusty Armor by Robert Fisher

What accomplishments in your life are the most important to you?

Watching my step-children grow up having me as a second Dad.

Any other information, quotes, or fun facts you would like to pass on?

It’s all about finding a way to make it happen…

Jorge (left) often serves as master of ceremonies at Western Shelter employee events where he is a crowd favorite. He is a huge asset to our team and we all look forward to working with him for years to come.

Contact Jorge

If you live in Central America, South America, or the Caribbean you can reach out to Jorge via the following contact methods:

Office: 541.743.4121
Cell: 787.340.4042