Western Shelter

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Western Shelter On The Today Show

This year's extremely active flu season has caused a surge in patient loads at medical facilities across the United States. Grady Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia has responded to the need for additional capacity by calling in the Carolinas Med-1 Mobile Emergency Room. This self-contained facility includes a 53 ft ER trailer with a custom boot that allows it to be complexed with Western Shelters.

Both Grady Hospital and the Carolinas Med-1 Mobile Emergency Room were recently featured on the today show. You can watch the story below, and see a few pictures of the Carolinas Med-1 deployment.

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About Carolinas Med-1

The Carolinas Healthcare System has built out a very impressive capability with their Med-1 Mobile Hospital Unit. Here is additional information from their website:

"When hospital infrastructure is damaged or capacity diminished, the need for surge relief can be very real, and may last for weeks. Carolinas MED-1 is a mobile hospital that provides that care, and is the first of its kind.

Owned by Carolinas HealthCare System and based in Charlotte, NC, this versatile facility can also be used to temporarily replace or supplement a hospital emergency department and is also an excellent option for providing on-site medical care for community or sporting events and other attractions with large crowds."

You can learn more on their website linked here.

Interested in a similar system?

If you would like to learn more about this unique facility, and what Western Shelter can do for your surge capacity needs, contact our sales team.