Western Shelter

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6 Cold Weather Deployment Tips

The work doesn’t stop when the weather gets colder. Deployments in late fall and throughout winter require extra precautions be taken to ensure that both staff and equipment operate efficiently and safely.

We’ve put together this list of cold weather deployment tips. Have any good ones that aren’t covered in this post? Please let us know, so we can share.

1. Add an Entryway

Entering and exiting a shelter is a major cause of heat loss. This can be minimized in the winter by adding a vestibule entryway to your shelter system. The vestibule entryway is a completely separate sealed off entryway that will significantly reduce the heat loss typically associated with the opening and closing of shelter doors.

2. Heat and Insulate

Keep your shelter warm with heating and insulation. Our insulation installs easily in minutes, and paired with a heater can keep shelters habitable and comfortable in even the coldest conditions. We offer a number of heating options to fit the size and scope of any cold weather operation.

3. monitor air quality

Stagnant air combined with fuels from a heat or power source have the potential to create less-than-ideal air quality. Carbon monoxide detectors should be installed in shelters to ensure the levels don’t rise to the unsafe territory. Additionally, ensure shelter vent caps are unobstructed to maintain air flow.

4. bring additional lighting

As days are shorter in the winter, the time conducting operations at night increases. Ensure you have enough interior and exterior lighting for your deployment. Inspect and replace faulty lights prior to any deployment, and consider adding additional lighting to your cache in case lights fail on scene.

5. Minimize Snow Loads

When operations take you into an area with expected heavy snow, plan on removing the accumulated snow on the roof. A heated shelter will help to reduce snow loads, but should ice and/or snow accumulate, use a broom to carefully remove snow from the roof every hour.

6. Stake Down Your System

While we always recommend staking down your shelters, it’s especially important in the winter, when weather conditions deteriorate. Taking the few minutes to stake down your shelter will ensure a safer camp.

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