5 Best Portable Designs for Emergency Relief Shelters

Providing adequate relief shelters during the earliest stages of disasters is critical to human survival. People who experience the aftermath of an emergency must have access to basic necessities, such as food, water, clothing, and shelter.

Disaster relief shelters are designed to provide a habitable space with all the resources that will sustain the survivors for quite some time.

Various kinds of relief shelters are specifically constructed for emergencies with portability features. Let’s take a look at the five most common shelters suitable for the immediate relief provisions:

Inflatable Tents

Inflatable tent relief shelters are portable, lightweight, and quick to deploy. Most designs don’t require tools for installation, although access to power may be needed. For emergencies, a small generator will suffice. In one hour, a team of two people can deploy tents for up to 20 families.

While other tents come with frames, an inflatable tent is sealed with zippers to minimize storage and transport requirements.

Check out the modular design of Sentry Airframe Shelter from Western Shelter.

Polyethylene Tents 

Standard portable relief tents are constructed with steel frames and outer covering. PVC is one of the most common materials used for shelter covering. However, laminated polyethylene is a better alternative with heavy-duty, moisture-proof, and UV resistant features.

They can withstand extreme hot and cold climates and moderately strong winds. These tents are versatile, which can be used for housing, medical, and industrial purposes.

You should also see Western Shelter’s most versatile GPR Premium Shelter

Structural Insulated Panels (SIPS)

SIPS relief shelters have a plug-and-play assembly for portability and low-scale fabrication.

This type of disaster relief shelter is constructed with structural insulated panels that are easy to install with flat-packed parts that don’t require tools.

The most ergonomic material used for emergency shelters is aluminum. It’s lightweight and durable, which makes it suitable for immediate and long-term use.

Modular Homes

Modular relief homes are a low-cost option for short to long-term housing purposes. They’re not always designed for providing immediate response after a disaster.

Some modular homes are easily assembled with PVC materials. They can also be constructed with concrete, packed dirt, or asphalt.

Portable or not, modular shelters are intended for providing security against heavy weather. However, they can serve as a temporary alternative for survivors who are trying to rebuild lost homes.

Shipping Container Homes

Shipping container homes are applicable for medium to long-term use. They can be easily transported by land or sea. A single 20-foot shipping container can provide a temporary house with complete built-in applications.

Containerized shelters can weather extreme conditions, which makes it suitable for areas prone to secondary disasters. They can also serve as habitation spaces for emergency relief volunteers on site.

Disaster Relief Shelters: Small to Large-Scale Disasters

The vital role of disaster relief shelters is applicable for small or large-scale disasters. The immediate response must include only the best portable emergency shelters to provide short-term rehabilitation for survivors.

Discover a wide variety of options for disaster relief shelters from Western Shelter. Contact us today!


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