COVID-19 Screening, Monitoring, and Isolation -Part 2-

Early detection and isolation of potentially COVID-19 positive individuals is critical to slowing the speed of viral transmission. This is especially true for disaster response, remote work force camp, and medical environments. While frequent testing of every individual is not practical at this time, there are a number of strategies that can be used to detect the presences of COVID-19 in a general population.

Monitoring for COVID-19

New technologies are emerging to test for COVID-19 on surfaces, and even through the air itself. These testing methods serve as an early warning system for your facilities by signaling that Coronavirus is present in permanent building or temporary shelter before symptoms present themselves in the individuals who have been in that space. Once the presence of COVID-19 has been confirmed, health officials can take appropriate measures to isolate and test those who were at risk of exposure.

COVID-19 Surface Testing

Western Shelter has teamed up with a certified testing laboratory to provide this innovative service to our customers. Whether you are operating out of one of our shelters, or would like to implement routine monitoring for COVID-19 in a fixed facility, we have solutions to fit your needs. Please contact us below for details.

Screening, Monitoring, and Isolation Solutions

Western Shelter offers solutions specifically tailored to assist with each of the CDC guidelines covered in this post. Fill out the contact form below for more information, or reach out to your Western Shelter Sales Representative.


Screening and Isolation Pods


Thermal Imagery Fever Screening

COVID-19 Thermal Screening

Surface Testing Kits


Isolation Systems


Stay tuned for part three of this post, which will cover isolation solutions for COVID-19.