The Atlantic seasonal hurricane forecast from Colorado State University recently came out; it’s predicting an above-average season this year: 19 named storms and 9 hurricanes, with 4 of those being categorized as major. We can compare this to the national average, or even to 2020 (the most active season on record), but it all boils down to one simple truth: It only takes one hurricane to wreak havoc in your area—rain, flooding, winds, power outages, and more – even if you’re not directly in its path.

At Western Shelter, we partner with response and recovery experts from across the globe to discuss how to better protect against and recover from devastating natural disasters. We have worked diligently across our company’s 30+ year history to develop and improve upon the products we make to serve responders with both common and tailored capabilities.

A few examples of our past projects have been serving in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina, providing facilities for field hospitals and staging areas for Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Teams, and operating locations for emergency managers. We were there after Hurricane Sandy, serving as an alternate care facility for a hospital flooded out of its location. We were in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria providing Veterans Affairs Health Clinics, DMAT Team Health Clinics, and staging areas for National Guardsmen, FEMA personnel, and USAR teams.  As we close in on June 1st, the formal start of hurricane season, we want you to know we’re here to help—now, as you plan and prepare, and later, when you can’t afford to fail.

While you’re inspecting your equipment, check your shelters to ensure they’re ready to go, and feel free to contact our team if you think you might need some repairs or need replacement parts. If you’re expanding your capabilities based on anticipated increased needs, let us help you integrate a tailored solution into your inventory.

With the global supply chain impacting everyone, it’s more important than ever to plan early for this seasons’ potential needs. Generators, cabling, and other key components will have a longer than normal lead times. Let us help you source solutions now so that you’re ready to respond when you’re needed.