Cold Weather Components

Winter is coming, and with it brings a whole host of new challenges to those already operating in tough field conditions. Shorter days means less daylight, and colder temperatures mean more challenging environments. Winter storms and heavy snow-loads can make incident response even more difficult than it already is.


Our shelters, on their own, are designed to stand up to the world’s toughest environments. But in some cases, additional components can be added to make the situation more secure or comfortable. If you have any questions about winterizing your shelter cache, please contact your regional sales manager or fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

Read on to see the components you can add to your cache to operate more efficiently in the winter.

shelter heating


Our HVAC unit offers heating, cooling, and dehumidifying features in a compact frame that has the added benefit of being available as a stackable unit for large camps. The HVAC unit has heating capabilities up to 40,000 BTU/hr and is portable and completely self-contained.

Indirect Heating Kit

Our shelter indirect heating kit is powered by a variety of fuels, and delivers uncontaminated heat directly to your shelter or duct system through the built in fan. This 91,000 BTU/hr heater includes a remote thermostat to more accurately control the interior temperature of your shelter in cold weather.


We offer several lighting options to keep the interior and exterior of your shelter well-illuminated.

Scene Lighting

When the days are shorter and more light is needed to get the job done, we offer a variety of external lighting options with powerful lumens and extended battery life. Our scene lighting is truly weatherproof, and submersible up to 10ft. All of our scene lighting options are powered by rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. It serves as a great initial lighting option during camp setup at night, as it is instantly operable without an external power source.

Shelter Lighting

Our compact, easy-to-use, string-able shelter lights are simple to put up and very modifiable. These energy efficient lights connect to each other, hang securely to the roof of the shelter, and are humidity resistant. Shelter lighting is available in both LED and fluorescent, and in a variety of voltages.


Our insulation is important to have year round in order to maximize heating and cooling efficiencies of an HVAC unit, but having shelter insulation is especially important in the winter.

Tie-Down Components

Fall and winter weather can bring blustery winds. While we recommend using the tie-down kit every time a shelter is set up, it’s especially crucial to secure your shelter in inclement weather. The tie-down kit includes everything needed to safely secure your shelter system to the ground.

Vestibule Entryway

In cold conditions, constant opening and closing of shelter doors can significantly reduce a shelter’s interior heat retention capabilities. Adding a vestibule entry serves as another barrier to the cold, making your heating units more efficient.

request a quote

Need a quote to help get your shelter system winterized? Fill out the form below, and we will contact you with more information.