Portable Emergency Shelters For Disaster Risk Management

Disaster-risk areas should have immediate access to emergency routes and protocols. The most crucial response for those affected by the calamity is providing shelter with food, water, electricity, and clothing supplies. Portable shelters have the best design for disaster risk management, which can be transported to a suitable site and be readily set up in the least amount of time.

What is a Portable Emergency Shelter?

Portable emergency shelters are used during natural disasters, floods, fires, earthquakes, storms, and many other emergency situations. They provide temporary shelter for people who are displaced due to a disaster. They can be set up in just a matter of hours after the emergency has occurred.

The construction of portable emergency shelters is manufactured with lightweight materials for quick assembly and separation processes. They’re also meant to have durable and cost-effective features.

In the event of a natural disaster, portable shelters can provide comfortable accommodation for entire families. A team of two specialists can deploy up to 20 fully-assembled portable shelters in just a single day. This modular-type housing system can be moved wherever they are required and provide enough room for all basic necessities like food storage, change of clothes, and resting or sleeping area. Shelters like these usually come with beds, tables, and chairs. If there was any time to pack, it’s highly recommended that the victims bring some extra clothes and blankets, just like going on a camping trip. 

There are several types of portable emergency shelters: general-purpose, metal-framed, inflatable/air-framed, heavy-duty, medical refuge, and disaster relief, and mass shelters.

Check out our catalog of commercial-grade shelters suitable for various applications. Visit our store now! 

Where is the safest disaster shelter site?

Disaster shelter sites are usually found outside of the danger zones hit by the disaster, thus offering temporary living space for those left behind by the calamity. 

When caught in the midst of a disaster and it feels as if no one will rescue you, remember the emergency routes provided by the local disaster groups. Proceed to the assigned disaster shelter site.


Temporary vs. Permanent Emergency Shelters

Portable emergency shelters are often used by local government agencies, fire departments, businesses, and other organizations. They can also be purchased for private use. They come in a variety of sizes, and they can be customized as per your need. Various types of emergency response shelters can serve as temporary or permanent housing.

What makes a temporary emergency shelter different from a permanent emergency shelter is that they do not have a long-lasting structure, and can quickly be assembled and disassembled. Temporary emergency shelters can be transported by truck or trailer. The best example of a temporary shelter is disaster-response tents for medical or housing purposes.

Permanent emergency shelters are housing resources designed for long-term use. They’re provided for disaster victims who probably lost their homes due to the calamity. It will take time and effort to move or dismantle a permanent shelter. However, they can last for months or even up to a few years of housing applicability and functionality.

Emergency Response Shelters

Emergency tents or temporary emergency shelters can be used for various functions such as housing, gathering spaces, and safe haven for calamity victims during emergency situations. These are portable modules that can be transported to the affected area and then put to immediate use. They’re naturally great for families with kids or animals. If anyone owns a large pet, they can take them to the portable emergency shelter and keep them protected along with everyone in the family.

If you’re on the market for emergency response shelters and tents, they can be purchased or rented— which are both accessible via online transactions. They are available at reasonable prices and customizable according to your needs and requirements.

There are several options for emergency response shelters available in a wide variety of uses, fabrics, sizes, shapes, and colors.

Emergency Shelter Assistance

For anyone that has ever considered moving into a temporary living situation such as an apartment or a dorm room, you have likely heard of what is referred to as "emergency shelter assistance." This type of assistance can be beneficial in helping someone get through a temporary hardship situation that they may find themselves in.

How does emergency shelter assistance work?

Many agencies offer this type of help, depending on the severity of the situation. These are often agencies that you would be familiar with if you have ever found yourself in a similar case. Many times these agencies offer their services free of charge to people in need.

When it comes to getting emergency shelter assistance, one of the most basic needs that can be met is food. It can be challenging to get by without some sort of sustenance while experiencing a temporary hardship, especially when one has limited sources of money.

Finding yourself in need of this service, you will be asked to come up with a list of other items that you will require to survive. It can include any prescription medications that you may have, as well as food and water. 

What does it mean to receive emergency shelter assistance?

The first step in receiving emergency shelter assistance is to contact your local Department of Housing and Urban Development. There’s no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed to ask for help. They usually point you in the right direction. They can also refer you to other agencies that can offer more resources based on your situation's urgency.

If you are worried about the cost associated help you are getting, local government agencies might also offer special programs. Private organizations also provide emergency shelter assistance. Most agencies offer free counseling and information about resources that they may be able to offer.

Sourcing The Best Disaster Support Shelter Systems

Disaster support shelter systems should have safe, efficient, and comfortable working operations with the best benefits for the users. Temporary housing camps are expected to have reliable quality suitable for those seeking emergency shelter assistance.

Reach out to Western Shelter for important information about shelter systems availability!

The Importance of Proper Roof Drainage Systems in Shipping Container Shelters

Shipping containers are manufactured to get transported across countries under harsh weather conditions. They are utilized by many different industries to store non-perishable products shipped as cargos for extended periods. At times, they are sent to less accessible places.

However, shipping containers continue to serve different purposes beyond what they’re originally intended for due to how they’re built.

Let’s explore the various applications of shipping containers as repurposed shelters, proper installation of roof drainage systems for ultimate protection, and have them customized according to your preferences.

Applications of Shipping Container Shelters

Shipping containers are typically made from materials that can withstand worse situations encountered in the shipping operations. This will ensure that the goods are protected from damage as they are transported from one place to another. They also come in various shapes and sizes, and therefore, it can be said that they are suited for many different sheltering applications.

The uses of shipping containers are extensive, and they include various benefits such as residential purposes, shipping purposes, industrial purposes, warehousing purposes, etc. You can find these containers in different shapes and sizes according to your need.

If you wish to have a more traditional looking container, you can go for the conventional container constructed with tons of steel. They generally look more professional and elegant, especially after they’re remodeled. However, suppose you want to buy a more modern-looking container. In that case, you can choose containers applied with polyurethane. These models are usually manufactured using various types of polymer resins and paints that give it a glossy look. 

The construction of shipping containers is highly reliable for different uses. One of the most common applications of shipping containers is for them to be repurposed as shelters. 

Shelters made of shipping containers are used in various applications, from domestic to commercial.

They are extensively viable for mobile or permanent shelters as they provide dependable protection against natural disasters and bad weather. In addition to that, they’re quite a lot more affordable to renovate rather than build a shelter from scratch.

These shipping container shelters can also be used for storing goods in a warehouse area or a storage yard. They are highly ideal for having safety and security features, making them suitable for protecting valued possessions.

The prices of shipping container shelters are high, but most people can easily afford them. Also, there are certain companies you can hire to achieve particular designs with complete features. You just need to find the right kind of company to understand the clients’ needs and demands. 


Roof Drainage Systems in Shipping Container Shelters

It is very important to have proper roof drainage systems for your shipping container shelters.

Previously, these shipping containers have been exposed to extreme weather conditions. However, they are still bound to handle situations that make other types of shelter constructions vulnerable to sudden changes in temperature. 

As shipping container shelters will continuously be exposed to harsh weather conditions like rain, snow, hail, and heat, they become highly susceptible to water seepage and leakage. Thus,  it becomes even more essential to have the best roof drainage systems installed to function efficiently. In fact, improving the features of these structures is recommended to maintain their value and provide adequate protection, function, and other sheltering solutions for the people using them.

The roof drains are a critical part of a container shelter roof and must be installed at the earliest. It provides safety and security to the people who live or work in the shelter. It also reduces the risk of them getting into accidents that may be caused by leakages or experience suffocation due to lack of ventilation. This is one of the major problems faced by people who are using these container shelters. It is essential that you prioritize the roofing drainage and not wait until it becomes a serious problem.

The roof drains can be installed with pipes with a valve on the top or a hose. You can either install it yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. Both these options have their own benefits. If you’re equipped to install it yourself, you can take care of all the plumbing related problems that may arise from time to time. However, if you decide to hire a professional to do it for you, it is advisable that you first consult an expert who will advise you on the best type of roof drainage system that is most suitable for your shelter.

Custom Shipping Container Shelters

There are many types of custom shipping container shelters available, which you can easily find in the market, even online. These shelters are designed with various colors, styles, and shapes. You can also have it customized to match the features and applications needed for a particular shipping container shelter. You can freely decide on the exact design that will serve its purpose.

It is vital that you choose a good quality shipping container to provide your shelter with the most practical furnishings. Many container manufacturers available in the market will provide you with high-quality containers, which they can install and set up in your yard.

The most important thing you need to keep in mind is that these containers require the right equipment and workforce. Hiring professional builders or truckers to customize and install your desired shelter would be advisable.

In Summary

There are several reasons why shipping container shelters have become very popular among consumers today. One of the reasons is that their design is pretty easy to set up and maintain, including the roof drainage systems. They come with an assembly kit that an efficient team can quickly assemble and install these containers. On the other hand, if you do not have the equipment and experience setting up and maintaining these types of containers, you should always call upon an expert’s help to do this task for you since it is very technical, especially if you require a customized shelter.

Are you looking for professional shelter system services? Contact us for inquiries today!